Sleeve gastrectomy is among the popular options for obese patients considering weight loss. The surgery can transform your body by helping set you on the correct route to acquiring a healthy relationship with food and reforming your eating behaviors.
In order to be a good candidate, you must have a BMI of over 40. Those with lower BMI scores can consider non-surgical alternatives such as the gastric balloon.
You must be in a good state generally to handle the surgery. A serious disease that can complicate the surgery and your recovery will eliminate you from the procedure. The surgery will help you adopt healthier eating mechanisms that’ll assist you maintain your weight months after surgery. You can lose up to 45% of your excess weight with a sleeve gastrectomy.
But because the stomach is an organ that can constantly stretch, you need to take your diet seriously. Overeating will cause your stomach to stretch back to its pre-surgery size.
In addition to shedding the excess weight, sleeve gastrectomy will help you correct conditions that were caused by obesity.
About Sleeve Gastrectomy
A sleeve gastrectomy surgery is one of several bariatric treatments that reduce the size of the stomach to help the patient lose weight. The surgery is laparoscopic. This means that your surgeon makes small incisions on the abdomen to insert the surgical instruments in order to conduct the surgery.
A staple is used to pinch your stomach in a way where a small region of the stomach forms the shape of a sleeve. Hence the name sleeve gastrectomy. The remaining stomach is removed and the structure is sutured.
Through this approach your appetite will decrease and so will the size of your meals and caloric intake accordingly. Many find the surgery a major success whose effects last for years on. Your stomach will hold comparatively smaller portions of food. As a result, you will eat less and food cravings will diminish likewise. Over time you will begin to gradually adopt a healthier approach to eating.
During the first 10 to 12 days you will be on a liquid diet strictly. This will include non-carbonated and sugar-free drinks. After completing this you will transition to a diet consisting of soft and moist foods. You will practice this diet for another week before you can return to normal food.
Weight loss results with a sleeve gastrectomy aren’t instantaneous. Bariatric surgeries and treatments typically show results over a period of time. But how well you are committed to making lifestyle changes has the biggest impact on how soon results appear.
Being on a liquid diet for more than a week will have you shed at least 15 pounds. Your decreased consumption of food will continue to add to these numbers.
Sleeve Gastrectomy In Turkey
Bariatric surgeries in general are life-changing and in severe cases of obesity, critical to the individual’s health. Yet, they’re not always covered by insurance.
Obesity is a lead cause of heart disease, notorious for causing diabetes, initiating breathing problems, and causing sleep apnea. And with time the body can wear down & the effects of obesity become life-threatening.
For this reason, many are resorting to medical tourism to get their sleeve gastrectomy. And Turkey is a leader in the field of medical tourism altogether.
Sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey isn’t only about reduced costs, but about quality and excellence. Turkey is among the top 3 countries for medical tourism around the world owing to its excellent medical cadre and technological advancement.
Sleeve Gastrectomy With AkayLife
A sleeve gastrectomy is a surgery that needs to be done professionally at the hands of experienced surgeons to avoid complications. And as a foreigner seeking urgent health care in Turkey, the process can be extremely confusing. With AkayLife, the leading medical tourism coordinator in Turkey, your sleeve gastrectomy procedure will be direct.
Our medical consultants carry out all the work for you. We research the best hospitals and surgeons for a sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey. After hearing all your demands and requirements, we’ll connect you with the right hospital. And our role in your sleeve gastrectomy doesn’t end there. We will be with you until the very end making sure you’re comfortable with the process from start to finish.