Scoliosis is a medical condition in which your backbone is curved more than 10 degrees, and thus requires surgical correction.

Surgical procedures can cost a great deal of money even when you have what you think is good health insurance coverage. This is because there is usually a deductible that has to be met first and a lifetime limit on benefits.

This is why many people look to Turkey for their medical care. To learn more about scoliosis surgery and how we can help you get the best, most affordable care, continue reading.

About Scoliosis Surgery

Scoliosis often needs to be treated surgically, and the type of surgery depends on the cause of the condition and the age of the patient.

In some cases, scoliosis is a congenital condition in which the person is born with it. In children, scoliosis surgery often involves operations done to help the spine and ribs grow. In these surgeries, rods are attached so that these bony structures can grow correctly.

In other people, scoliosis may be caused by having a condition such as Down syndrome, Marfan syndrome, cerebral palsy, or even from an infection or a tumor. Scoliosis can be corrected surgically through spinal fusion in which bones of the backbone are fused together using bone grafts and metal plates.

Scoliosis Surgery in Turkey

Scoliosis surgery is commonly performed in health facilities in Turkey. Turkey, in fact, has a thriving medical tourism industry which offers medical procedures at an affordable cost. The country has a well-regulated medical industry so you do not have to worry about the quality of care you would receive, as it is of international standard.

The best option is to ensure that your scoliosis surgery is done in accredited facilities that have surgeons which have the accreditation and experience so that you are likely to have a favorable outcome and low chance of any complications.

Scoliosis Surgery with Akaylife

Scoliosis surgery is major surgery and even though health insurance plans may cover this procedure, the coverage is often not enough, and you are left with a copay or deductible.

That is why you should let Akaylife handle your scoliosis surgery. As the premier medical tourism company in Turkey, we work to find you only the best providers and very best medical facilities.

We will only allow your scoliosis surgery to be performed in a highly-respected medical treatment facility.

Akaylife only works with JCI Accredited health care providers, as well as those who have the Gold Seal of Approval. This means that your surgeon and other doctors will have a proven record of successful outcomes, high quality work, and an exceptional safety record.

You are assured, therefore, that our physicians are always highly skilled and have hours of surgical experience, many have even trained in the United States with highly esteemed surgeons and doctors.

This ensures fewer complications during and after your scoliosis surgery. Akaylife guarantees only the highest standards when working with doctors and facilities to provide you with the best possible outcome.


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